Alcohol Consumption among Slovak Schoolchildren: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Unplugged Programme
Zdroj: Odborný časopis Adiktologie 3–4|2020
Autoři: Orosová, O., Gajdošová, B., Bačíková-Šléšková, M., Benka, J., Bavoľár, J.
BACKGROUND: Developing data-based interventions to address drug use prevention among schoolchildren is critically important because research has consistently demonstrated that adolescence is the main period for experimenting with alcohol and other drugs.
AIMS: To explore the changes in 30-day prevalence rates of alcohol consumption (AC) in schoolchildren and to look into the (in-)direct effect of the Unplugged programme as one of the independent variables of an equation that contained the strongest psychosocial predictors of AC at four follow-ups, as well as to examine the moderating effect of gender...
Plné znění článku na stránkách odborného časopisu Adiktologie 3–4|2020 ZDE