Child of addicted parents - The overlooked member in a family

Child of addicted parents - The overlooked member in a family

Child of addicted parents - The overlooked member in a family

Zdroj: Časopis Social Pathology and Prevention (Slezská univerzita Opava), autor: Tatiana Dubayová - Faculty of Education, University of Prešov, Department of Special Education

Children of addicted parents often escape professional interventions and the social system, because their needs and the responses resulting from the failure to fulfil them are not diagnosed correctly. Although they are not typical recipients of special education interventions, we may take them as children with special needs in the emotional area even if though their symptoms are not necessarily evident. The aim of the paper is to help to understand the perception and behaviour of a child from a family with an addicted parent. Based on analyses of foreign research projects, we have summed up the specific features of such children, their most frequent responses and coping with difficulties. At the same time, we will try to outline the opportunities and challenges of the work with such children and the assistance that may help them compensate for the traumatic experiences from their childhood when they grow up...

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