Grey Matter Leonardo da Vinci: a genius driven to distraction (Did Leonardo da Vinci have ADHD?)

Grey Matter Leonardo da Vinci: a genius driven to distraction (Did Leonardo da Vinci have ADHD?)

Grey Matter Leonardo da Vinci: a genius driven to distraction (Did Leonardo da Vinci have ADHD?)

Zdroj: časopis BRAIN - A JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, Volume 142, Issue 6, June 2019; Marco Catani, Paolo Mazzarello

The story of Da Vinci is one of a paradox—a great mind that has compassed the wonders of anatomy, natural philosophy and art, but also failed to complete so many projects (Freud, 1922; Kemp, 2006). The excessive time dedicated to idea planning and the lack of perseverance seems to have been particularly detrimental to finalize tasks that at first had attracted his enthusiasm. Leonardo’s chronic struggle to distill his extraordinary creativity into concrete results and deliver on commitments was proverbial in his lifetime and present since early childhood...

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